Lovecraftian Language: "'Yew want to know what the reel horror is, hey? Wal, it's this -- it ain't what them fish devils hez done, but what they're a-goin' to do! They're a-bringin' things up aout o' whar they come from into the taown -- ben doin' it fer years, an' slackenin' up lately. Them haouses north o' the river betwixt Water an' Main Streets is full of 'em -- them devils an' what they brung -- an' when they git ready. . . . I say, when they git ready . . . ever hear tell of a shoggoth? . . .
"'Hey, d'ye hear me? I tell ye I know what them things be -- I seen 'em one night when . . . EH -- AHHHH -- AH! E'YAAHHHH. . . .'"
Eerie Evaluation: S.T. Joshi, who annotated the edition of Lovecraft's stories that I'm reading, noted that the editor of Weird Tales rejected "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" because "it was too long and could not be conveniently serialized without destroying the tale's unity." But calling it "too long" is far too kind. Like a slightly tipsy obsessive-compulsive tour guide, Olmstead wanders here and there in his tale while promiscuously narrating unnecessary details, including a travelogue of everything he eats while in Innsmouth. What's more, the story contains what Joshi calls "Lovecraft's most exhaustive utilization of backwoods New England dialect." Peruse the snippet for your reading pleasure, and imagine a solid 11 pages of the stuff. Worse yet, that lengthy monologue from a drunk Innsmouth resident demands careful consideration because it contains a number of important plot points. It's a shame, because a good story lurked beneath all the blubber of "Shadow," one about Faustian bargains and hereditary curses that terminates in an ending of whispered horror. If only it hadn't been such a chore to read.
Number of Sanity-Shredding Shoggoths (out of five):
To visit the story index for "An Eldritch Education" (my year spent reading H.P. Lovecraft's work), please click here.
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