Jason Evans, proprietor of The Clarity of Night writing blog, is hosting his twelfth-annual flash fiction contest. The rules are simple enough: Write a 250-word short short or poem inspired by the above picture and send it to jevanswriter [at] yahoo [dot] com before 11:00 p.m. EST on Wednesday, January 13th. For further details and formatting instructions, go here.
(Picture: Copyright 2009 by Jason Evans; used by permission)
I just finished reading Susanna Clark's Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell and that very image was a very significant one in the story. The raven in flight. Have you read that one?
I haven't read Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, but it looks interesting! Suppose I should add it to my reading list. I know it made the Top Ten of the Decade of some guy who write for Time.
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