Overlooking my utter ignorance about Errol Flynn, the kind folks at The Literary Lab have decided to include my short story "Bark" in the Horror/Crime section of their Genre Wars anthology. Huzzahs and many thanks all around! Genre Wars should be available for purchase at the end of the month.
Also, Advent Ghosts 2009 participant C.N. Nevets placed two pieces ("The Best Medicine" and "Death, Be Not Me") in the Experimental section. Offer your congrats to him at his blog, Nevets.QST.
"Bark" creeped us all out in just the right way! Thanks for writing it and submitting it for our contest. Nevets did good work, too. Everyone did good work.
You'll note that there are neither lightsabres nor rapiers on the anthology cover, just so there's no further confusion.
I must admit that I prefer this cover to the contest logo, but that said, the contest logo was rich in sci-fi-y swashbuckl-y goodness, which said, "Hey, genre is okay." This cover, while classier and more attractive, is very much more literary, which says, "Hey, even genre fiction can be made presentable." lol
Your story sent me on the edge and gave me a nightmare, as I remember right. Hehe. It's very well done! Good job, and congratulations! We're thrilled to have you in our anthology.
C.N. Nevets: Yes, I think our cover kind of says that, you've got a very good point! That's not the idea we were trying to get across, but we ran out of time to add any light sabers and other fun stuff. :D
I wasn't either for a while. Then Bradbury's The October Country got me hooked. It's a wonderful collection of horror shorts without all the splattery stuff that tends to show up today.
(Self-pitying moaning about being published deleted so this comment can be unfettered good wishes, even if the teeth in the grin are bared a little too wide...)
Congratulations, Loren. Great story!
Good job, Loren! I'm excited to see your story in print!
Thanks for the opportunity, Davin! It was a lot of fun.
And your two, too!
"Bark" creeped us all out in just the right way! Thanks for writing it and submitting it for our contest. Nevets did good work, too. Everyone did good work.
You'll note that there are neither lightsabres nor rapiers on the anthology cover, just so there's no further confusion.
Glad you liked it! Now I have to work up the nerve to show it to my wife.
And thank you for crafting the cover so that I won't have to endure any Errol Flynn-related embarrassment.
I must admit that I prefer this cover to the contest logo, but that said, the contest logo was rich in sci-fi-y swashbuckl-y goodness, which said, "Hey, genre is okay." This cover, while classier and more attractive, is very much more literary, which says, "Hey, even genre fiction can be made presentable." lol
Just kidding.
I promise.
Your story sent me on the edge and gave me a nightmare, as I remember right. Hehe. It's very well done! Good job, and congratulations! We're thrilled to have you in our anthology.
C.N. Nevets: Yes, I think our cover kind of says that, you've got a very good point! That's not the idea we were trying to get across, but we ran out of time to add any light sabers and other fun stuff. :D
Oh, and congrats to you, too, C.N.! I'm about to go check out your blog. :)
Lady Glamis,
Yay! I count disturbed sleep patterns as a sign of success. Spinning heads and vomiting split-pea soup, not so much.
Yes, it freaked me out just a bit, but I had to look beyond that at the writing. :)
I'm just not a huge fan of horror. LOL.
I wasn't either for a while. Then Bradbury's The October Country got me hooked. It's a wonderful collection of horror shorts without all the splattery stuff that tends to show up today.
Thanks, AdianF!
Bravo, bravo! Well done, Loren. Eager to read it!
Thanks, S.D.! Hope you like it.
(Self-pitying moaning about being published deleted so this comment can be unfettered good wishes, even if the teeth in the grin are bared a little too wide...)
How does one acquire a copy of this volume?
Thanks, SC!
(Reminds the widely smiling gentleman that I am tough and stringy and do not taste at all good as either filet or tartare.)
I think it'll be available on Amazon.com. But keep watching here -- I bet they'll be a couple copies given away!
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