From the moment he wakes up in the unfamiliar house, Shane Anderson knows he's in for pain. There's the hospital bed he finds himself in and the very large man parked between him and the door. Seems Shane's family finally wised up to his hard-partying antics and hired a professional to detox him the difficult way. All Shane has to entertain himself with for the next month is a manuscript written by his crippled great-grandfather Christian Anderson. Sounds excruciatingly boring. But as he fights delirium tremens and loosening bowels, Shane will turn to the manuscript as a means of escape, and what he finds there will shock him. He will learn not only of his great-grandfather's struggles with small-town internecine savagery and the vast social changes of the Progressive Era, but also of a supernatural secret: Christian had a backdoor to Faery.
For the record, I hold little in common with the characters of Troll Valley. I'm not of Norwegian descent, I'm not Lutheran, and the closest I've come to even setting foot in Minnesota is a trip to friend's wedding in Wisconsin. But I still found them engaging. Walker understands that literature is supposed about the stuff of universal human experience, and he uses his characters' specific situations to touch on it. Alienation and belonging, love and lust, faith and doubt -- all make appearances. What's more, Walker refuses to turn Christian and his family into flat caricatures. With one notable exception, they're well-rounded and multi-faceted, sometimes acting in unexpected (but ultimately consistent) ways. Then there's the fantasy element. Christian has a faery godmother named Miss Margit, although that term and Troll Valley's lamentably trite subtitle ("The Fairy Tale Your Grandparents Never Told You") hardly encapsulates the character. Forget childhood Disney movies: Miss Margit is eerie and wild and very, very violent when circumstances require it, and the glimpses she gives us into Fae suggest that world lies far more entangled with our own than any would care to admit. The same could be said for the thorny thematic issues the novel addresses. Though prohibition sounds like a long dead cause to 21st century ears, Walker reminds us that the mindset which spawned it is still with us. Ferocious, poignant and wry, Troll Valley is worth taking a trip into.
(Picture: CC 2008 by garlandcannon)
Publishers are so conservative now. I think the title doesn't help this book. I would never guess the subject matter from the title.
Thanks for the review. I'd been hesitant about the novel--people praising it for presenting characters who allegorically represented religion/tradition vs. modernism made me leery of possible preachiness (especially after the Freud-and-Marx scene in his last novel, which was simply distracting.)
@Pattinase--I agree, but I'm not sure how much truth there is to the word "now." The Lord of the Rings was nearly refused publication (by a publisher who was convinced it would lose money), and in SF areas the only author known to produce books he thought would lose money was Jim Baen, who passed away only a few years ago.
I think, in general, readers are lazy. (This includes me; about half the books I read are the type where I generally know what's going to happen before I open the cover.) They want the same joys they've had in the past, and are reluctant to read a new type of book (even one they'd like better) if it involves the risk of them *not* liking it. Publishers can only fight against the public so much, since the public pays for their industry.
Chestertonian Rambler, I agree - but this book was preachiness free, IMAO.
BTW, if you want a Nook format rather than a Kindle format, get it here.
I'm pretty sure the title is a geographical reference.
I think the allegorical critique would be fair for, say, Wolf Time, which was too didactic for my taste. But even though the characters in Troll Valley have definite perspectives, none of them (with one possible exception) are flat.
Judging from the Afterword, I'd hazard a guess that you were largely responsible for the detail in the sections with Phineas Gold. Those were some of my favorite in the book.
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