It’s about six pounds and wakes three to four times a night yowling for milk.
Yes, the Eaton family has grown by one, and that means this blog will experience some downtime. Expect this week to be pretty much dead and next week to see a serialized rerun of an older short story. Regular posts should resume around March 5th.
Hope your birth went well! (It had to have gone better than ours...)
Congratulations, Loren. One more little conscientiousness in the world. A wonderous occasion!
Ooh, sorry to hear that, sir. Labor and delivery is kind of like fighting a war. It makes me appreciate womankind; they're tough.
Many thanks! It's a lot of fun.
Grattis på din barn! Lycka til! (Swedish, Congratulations)
Amazing! Congratulations again to your and your wife man!
@Aidan: Now I wish I had an equally cool way to say, "Thanks!"
@Tony: Appreciate it, sir!
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